So You Want to Be a Photographer?

Sony Photographer

So You Want to Be a Photographer?

This week I started classes at Santa Monica College to realize a dream and item on the last list I published. I am going to give Photography a try – not just by taking one class, but taking 4 that really dig into the fundamentals – Lighting, as well as Black & White (this is a darkroom class when on campus), the business of Photography, and a Photojournalist class. This is a big deal. I am jumping in with both feet! I now own more equipment I had never heard of before – my apartment is overflowing with lights, poles, light stands, grips, etc. and the packages keep coming!

By the end of this semester I need to pick a genre. I have narrowed the list to these:

  1. Portrait photography
  2. Stock photography
  3. Food photography
  4. Drone photography
  5. Hi-speed photography
  6. Architectural photography
  7. Documentary photography
  8. Street photography
  9. Action photography
  10. Photojournalism
  11. Double exposure photography
  12. Advertising Photography

The list I started with had 67 so I feel somewhat accomplished that I narrowed it down this far. It is hard to know what you love when you haven’t tried every genre! I believe some of the genres can be combined. We will see! I am excited to get started.

My first photo assignment due is Photojournalism – life in the pandemic. There happened to be a heatwave this weekend so finding people to photograph was hard, but I did get some great shots for potential stories. I like that my mind formed a story – maybe journalism will win out in the end but I am going to give Photography everything I have for the next four months!

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